I will say this movie did not live up to my expectations, most of the movie was boring. I wish there was more action and less dialogue, however when there was action and suspense the movie was great!
SPOILER ALERT READING FORTH: I will say I was really sad when Dan died, it was really suspenseful and sad. Watching your best Friend you’ve known for years die by getting eaten alive by wolves would be awful. Another thing I liked about this movie is Joe. I thought he was a great character. At the start of the movie I thought he was gonna be this reckless goof ball that gets himself killed. But he was actually a really good character. It was really suspenseful with the chase down with the wolves I wish joe would made it down the hill. I was really sad when Parker found his body. Overall I give this movie 4 stars it may have been boring at points but the dialogue was ok. And the action was great.