Lots of great memories ruined with one bad experience…
Recently I came to the conclusion that I was not playing Valorant frequently enough for it to take up the ~100 gigabytes it does of my precious storage .
Overall, the game was fun. I have no complaints about the quality of the game itself. This one star review is dedicated to the issues I had removing this virus-adjacent software from my device. As with quite literally every other game on the market, my first attempt at getting rid of the game was directly through my windows settings. I went to settings, clicked on apps, searched up “riot” and clicked uninstall on the appropriate files. As one could probably guess by now, this did not work. This left me feeling like frustrated idiot.
Now admittedly, I am no tech genius. This all happened on my very first computer build, and at this time, I had only been using windows for a year or two. But still… come on, one should not need 3+ years of experience to uninstall a game.
Furthermore, it always was quite aggravating when Riot client would always open upon my computer starting up. This bugged the heck out of me for a couple weeks until one of my friends taught me how to change this (again, not a tech genius).
Overall, I am sure a more technically competent person would have no problems with this game. Personally, I am just quite confused/concerned at how this is an actual system a well-known developer would implement just to desperately try to not lose players. It is a real shame that this poor experience overshadows all the fun I had in this game, but such is life.