This game has the most dramatic bait and switch of all time.
The campaign is fun, the free materials are plentiful in your first 20 hours.
Then the grind begins. You grind 3 materials, each requiring 15 runs of a certain mission. Then you grind vaults, but you can't just open vaults, you have to grind keys for vaults. Which you CAN fail, and lose your key.
Once you're done with that 15 to 20 hours of your time need a blueprint. So you have to fight a boss and get something with a 3% drop rate. Get ready for 8 hours plus for that.
You have all the materials. Do you get the item? No. You set the item for "research" and you get it 12-36 hours later, depending on the item.
You can pay to skip the research time. You can pay for the item. Paying not only gives you the item and skips the grind, it also skips the research time. This is the most predatory system on the market. This game is free to GRIND or pay to PLAY.