So its absolutely terrible. Here are the reasons why:
- He never gives evidence for any of his claims. His claims are basically saying somewhere is incredibly old and that it, we don't get to see any tests, any reasoning, or logic to why it is apparently that old, just that it is old according to him.
- Hes just insulting hunter gathers and other groups throughout history. He keeps calling them idiots and that they could not have done anything without some magical group "saving" them by giving them knowledge. This makes even less sense when used on sites that are mainly just basic stone work. No one told them how to put a rock on a rock. He honestly seems incredibly racist with all this.
- He excludes information from the experts. when he has an expert on, he has them asked questions that lead to a certain response and then cut everything that doesn't fit with his theory.
- Hes a hypocrite. He claims that "main stream" archeologists are stuck in their ways yet gives examples of where archeologists have admitted they were wrong and have corrected themselves. He claims that their opinions are wrong and yet he interviews some of them. He also insults groups and cultures and say they couldn't have done something then comes along with another point that says they did.
- He is really whiny. He constantly whines about the archeology community not accepting him and his theory and that they are all wrong yet he fails to ever mention that his theory is nothing more than a conspiracy as he provides no evidence.
- He lies, gives misinformation, and gives partial information to make the viewer doubt what has already been concluded about these sites so he seems more reasonable. He makes out that archeologists have guessed the age of structures and just guessed everything about them because he never actually gives any of their evidence for this like carbon dating.
This whole show is him giving someone misinformation, manipulating the viewer into thinking a certain way then giving outrageous theories that he doesn't back up with evidence. He then whines that people don't take him seriously. This show was made for conspiracy theorists and no one else.