This encyclical is effectively the child of George Soros, the Davos Set, the Club of Rome, and other globalist organisations whose openly stated aim is to control the world’s population using the junk science of global warming and its accompanying alarmist tactics to intimidate, coerce, and entice developing countries to employ policies that reduce the fertility of its poor people and abort its children.
Chapters 1 and 5 of Laudato Si' were not penned by His Holiness, but were a creation of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences hastily thrown
together for the purpose of promoting the 2015 UN Sustainable Development Goals in September and he Paris Climate Treaty that November. Only religious leaders, scientists, bureaucrats and regulators who support alarmist perspectives on these issues were invited. Those with contrary views were neither invited, welcomed nor tolerated.
When Climate Depot director Marc Morano tried to ask the UN Secretary General to advise Pope Francis that many Catholics and other Christians believe the papal position on global warming is ill-advised, a security guard took Morano’s microphone away and told him, “control yourself, or you will be escorted out of here.”
Apparently, in the Vatican’s view, there is nothing to discuss – only anti-fossil fuel laws and treaties to implement.