What a film, absolutely brilliant with out being over bearing on the hatred white folk have for black africans/Caribbeans. They touched on it a little bit in the UK when bob came.
Bob was a spiritual man and a Rasta, and some of the media reviews are well we have seen it all before just because the movie bigs up BOB. he did more for a nation than any of these politicians, A great production by Ziggy and all the crew. I and I Rasta Fari. Personally if this does not get best picture or an Oscar for best actor its a crime, I loved it, well put together. I dont watch Oscars but some of the dross that win is a crime. As i reiterate what bob stood for was for all mankind not just africans, Caribbean, Jamaicans or Music. Watch it if you love BOB watch it if you love life, Peace to all men and women, or just listen to the world leaders playing politics and the media talking negative dross because good news dont sell. Piece to all Bros & Sises.