What a game! It's got elements of Dark Souls, bloodborne, and Elden Ring rolled into one!
But yet it stands alone from any of the above!
It has great combat, that is fast, fluent, and easy to get the hang of.
The game has some really cool boss fights! Some which are fairly easy, but some that are quite challenging! Leveling up is a must!
But rest assured, this isn't a super hard game to play unlike, say, Sekiro! Because that was an incredibly hard game to play!
It was a nice looking game, with similar graphics and combat to Wukong, but undeniably hard and unforgiving!
Overall, I'd say Wukong is brilliant to play, great graphics, and great combat. If your a fan of Dark Souls, and like a game that doesn't hold your hand, then this is a game for you!
It's not the best story driven game, but where that lacks, the gameplay certainly makes up for it.
Gameplay 10/10
Combat 10/10
Character design 10/10
Graphics 10/10
Weapons/upgrades 10/10
Story 8/10
Fun Factor 9/10
Enjoyment factor 9/10