I'm so glad they actually listened.
Though the game is not fixed yet, the company that owns War Thunder (Gaijin) actually listened to the Community, which is more than pretty much every other Video Game company can say.
I'm optimistic, and hopeful that everything will be solved, and this potential masterpiece of a game, that is Free To Play, can continue its legacy.
War Thunder is a game where you battle as a Plane, Tank, or Ship, and you try to fight other such vehicles to complete objectives. You have complete control of your own vehicle, and cannot control other people's vehicles (though you can influence them).
Together, as a team, against Bots that also control vehicles, or other Players, you can fight on a series of battlefields that are (in my opinion) quite well designed for a Free to Play game.
You can buy vehicles and currency in this game, which dramatically helps you progress through the eras from WWI and before, to near-Modern day/Cold War. The game is quite hard to progress far without these purchases, mind you, but if you are going to go for the more Modern tanks, the amount of time you pour into this game will be worth your purchase.
This game does have its problems though. I'll list general areas, but others have more detailed explanations.
The Higher tiers (Cold War Era vehicles) are quite expensive at the moment to use, and that can end up costing real-world money if you just want to play casually. The graphics are harsher on this game, and it can take a mid tier or higher PC to run the game smoothly and looking good. The people you fight currently in battles is also quite messed up, as you can be fighting tanks that are 20 years ahead of you in technology, which is quite a bit, and this can happen consistently. Again, check someone else's review on these subjects.
All in all, good game, the company needs to fix it though, but that's been promised, and hopefully we'll see it come through.