A thoroughly enjoyable film if you take it at face value. The reason I am giving it 3 stars and no higher is that it totally glossed over the actual reality of world war 1 and the boer war and came close to being almost disrespectful in its portrayal of kitchener as a man doing his job to the best of his ability in bad circumstances. The man was a man of his time, a monster by modern standards. He created concentration camps for the boers, where 100s of 1000s of civilians where cleared off their land and housed in horrific conditions , of disease and hunger. The British aristocracy where arrogant and thought it was their god given right to do this and this attitude led to the 1st world war, where it led to millions of deaths through arrogant tactics. Millions of men died by being thrown against the opposing sides machine guns! Anyway, rant over, the more I think about the details, the madder I'm getting.