If you need to learn about how to treat your husband or wife, read your Bible!! This guy is one of the many FALSE prophets that the Bible talks about during the end times! He is a deceiver!! DO NOT LISTEN to this creep unless you want your marriage RUINED! He will convince you that YOU ARE A VICTIM, and it is your spouse's fault!! He claims that 88% of his foolish followers and Christians in general are or have been exposed to "domestic oppression" and that is NONSENSE! By his standards, any wife/husband can accuse anyone of "domestic oppression" and feel good about themselves when they divorce! He sets up men and women to FAIL at their marriage by putting standards on them that society will find fault in no matter what! He gives excuses to couples for leaving their spouses for the slightest mistake at a time when the world is promoting divorce for the slightest reason. I know of one 30 YEAR marriage that was destroyed by one of his followers who was dragged into this "I'm a victim" mentality!!