I think a few others said it well when they said this was not a very good film but an amazing Monster Hunter film. Fans will love it, newcomers will likely not. That being said, I could see watching this film with my guild as a once a year thing and enjoy it every time.
I think the visuals are better than people give it credit for, there is nothing uncanny or unappealing about the characters, just stiff movements sometimes regardless of the over emoting. The characters have wonderful material texturing, great lighting, and a pleasant color pallet. This goes for backgrounds too- with exception to some minor assets.
What is a shame is that this film suffers from being too short and everything going by too quickly, what I wouldn't give for this to be an animated single season rather than have things all packed into a single film- almost in the same way OVA films try to condense down an entire season of an anime.
Either way, despite the pacing issues and lack of polish, there is a very pleasant experience waiting for any Monster Hunter fan who watches this.