This musical is truly the pinical of modern cinema, unmatched in all theatrical fields. This muiscal convinced me that life had meaning and that my dad might come back. It's a heart-warming lovestory between a combat medic with ptsd from 1v1ing Thanos during the Vietnam War, and a washed up black market arms dealer (played by Belle Delphine) who currently runs a ponzi scheme. Dr. Mikail "Morbungeréna" Morbbler is expertly portrayed by professional actor Justin Biever. He's a gorgeous beast who I fantasize of being in the room with when he seductively says his famous catch fraise "It's Morbin time." Not only does it include a stellar cast, (Elon Musk, Jonny Depp, Dream from Fortnite, Shrek's Outhouse, and a Caution Wet Floor sign from your local Kroger), but the plot is so masterfully crafted that I had to be transported to the hospital from the movie theater after loosing so much water from crying, finishing the movie first. My favorite scene is when Dr. Michelle "Morbingus" Morbster tells Darth Gandolph not to do it because he has the power of God, anime, and the high ground on his side. I won't spoil anymore of this movie, because I feel strongly that every person should be blessed with seeing it. It restores sight to the blind, mobility to the lame, and my dad in my life. I ask of you, I beg of you to spend every dollar you have to watch this movie as many times as possible, because every dollar goes towards pulling Dr. Michelob "Morbarachina" Machiato out of homelessness, because he is a real person, at least that's what Greg, the guy who apparently only I can hear, told me.