I have been a longtime fan and took my 15 year old who is also a long time fan. We were both excited and nervous. It’s always one of those things isn’t it?! Excited to see your favorite characters and nervous it isn’t going to be done well. I was pleasantly surprised it was both the FNAF I love and something different. They really took it to a different level. I know it is difficult to get a video game into a movie because how do you take gameplay atmosphere further right?? Well they did it and I love it. The actors were chosen well and I mean Matthew Lillard is excellent and always plays every part to perfection. The lighting and cinematography was well done. The animatronics are beautiful! I am happy they went that route and not CGI. Were there a few things they could have done better, Yes. Overall it was a good film and I am awaiting the news of a sequel.