This is one of those movies that will never make everyone happy. As a thinly veiled climate change allegory, it fell flat. The sophisticated, slow-moving trainwreck of the climate change argument doesn't carry over well to the immediate threat of a comet impacting earth. But if you can forget for a while that that McKay intended this to be a lecture on climate change, and instead think of it as a movie that stands on its own, you'll find a ton to be happy about. Kate Blanchet plays a plastic, shell of a media personality perfectly. I am not a huge fan of pop culture, but Ariana Grande had me in stitches with her song (listen to the lyrics!). DiCaprio was good as he rode the roller coaster of emotions between dismay and confusion. Lawrence has played this character before...the witty, sarcastic, realist who views the world clearly. If you are looking for who or what McKay is trying to skewer here, you can be sure he skewers EVERYTHING.