Mon Dieur. It starts out great but quickly devolves. The main character is supposed to be a psychology and philosophy professor, yet he’s completely oblivious to the fact that this woman who wants to MURDER her husband is a psychopath??? She claims the husband abuses her, yet at the meeting to have him killed, she’s flirting with the hit man, laughing it up and batting her eyelashes? So…wait. She goes from supposedly being a battered woman to strongly coming onto and then IMMEDIATELY banging the first guy she meets, aka a man she believes to be a professional murderer?!?! Um…battered women aren’t going to behave this way, especially if they are rich enough to take care of themselves financially, which apparently she is because somehow she has a beautiful home in New Orleans —and no job! Then, he inexplicably lies to the police for her?? Why?? They try to explain it’s because he’s “in love” with her, which is a joke because they just have sex and don’t know each other at all—not to mention he then knows she’s a murderer. She admits she killed her husband. Yet he stands by her and helps her. Makes no sense and the “happy” ending where they get away with TWO murders??? Plus, they are literally enriched for their horrific behavior. Super disturbing that people like this movie. Geez