(May contain spoilers)
It's a love story. Do not believe those who say it's Science Fiction. The series is about my sister June, who realizes that one betrays other when she sees a piece of dust flying in the air moving to the left, not to the right, who also knows on which road one is going to kill other with how many kilometers per hour, fascinating everyone with her tiny glossy lips. Fiction seems interesting in the beginning. Personally, expected a dystopia of action, survival, destruction and riots led by Daniel, but I assure you, it isn't. The descriptions are lacking, sometimes ridiculous, and the action is poor. Neither the Republic nor the Colonies, the life of the streets, nor the Patriots have been described properly. Day's ideals are violated. The characters can make you go "What? But... why?" because of their lacking in clarity and changings every moment for unpredictable excuses. A sickness which is a problem for anyone there is introduced and remains as it is thrown away. Exams, trainings, experiments are ignored in story generally. Don't know how many years later, the talk of fiction's technology comes up once or twice. Everything is trashed for my sister June, who is forced into the lead role, who is forced to being fell in love by Daniel. Teen fiction lovers may like it, but if you want to read action, science fiction, philosophical movements, wars, struggles, escape and chase scenes, rebellions, you will waste time with this series (like me).