At multiple points I found myself asking "Is this meant to be funny, or serious?" The film lacks any grounding in reality, within 10 minutes it's clear it's a vacation piece for Sandler and friends.
Odd writing makes many jokes fall flat or land in a way that seem inauthentic, they just aren't funny if they're meant to be and they seem intentionally corny. The atmosphere of the film feels shoehorned and rushed, as though the experience is driven purely by the environment around them. This film is carried heavily by the luxurious atmospheres of the shooting locations, but other than that, all the glamour is gone of the original. While some appearances of old faces work in clever ways, others feel forced and hammered in.
Overall the film has multiple points lacking any serious tone, it's slap-stick on nearly a 3 stooges level with the incompetency that's played off with laughs. I don't think it would be worth a re-watch unless you could find a way to force company to join you, but perhaps it will age on me. I assume however, it will age less like a fine wine and more like a bologna sandwich.