This film has flaws, (and if you aren't a fan of the way Snyder uses music and slow-motion, those problems are doubled) but the action is extraordinary, the plotline is a well thought out, well developed epic of biblical proportions and the emotional beats for all the characters, their development and their chemistry are wonderful. The run time may intimidate some, but being split up into parts (6 or 7 if memory serves), it's easy to take a break (or multiple breaks), and pick back up if it's getting too long for you. Again, in regards to action specifically, this may be the greatest film of its genre yet made.
In short:
For Snyder fans: you've probably already watched an loved this, if not, do so.
For Non-Snyder fans: there's a lot here to love and its easy to take breaks between parts, so it's almost more like watching a miniseries. Some Snyder-isms may annoy, but the rest of the film should more than make up for it.
Overall and excellent film that shows some of Snyder's flaws as a director, mostly his over indulgence at points, but his skills (most notably his action direction, which I can't can't praise enough), shine through even brighter.