I'm so confused on how this movie got such little ratings.. I think it falls more on the marketing team I mean I didn't even know this movie was out I didn't even hear about it or see any kind of trailer for it it was just a last minute showing and most definitely worth it I mean when I talk about it not even nobody knows about it lol maybe it's just me.. but did anybody even see a trailer for this or any kind of ads on Instagram or even Facebook anything at all?
Never mind I saw some of the views lol complaining about it being too many car chases I mean it is an action movie ðŸ˜ðŸ˜‚
I mean it's about two brothers who rob a bank when you think about it as a movie of course you're favorite characters are the victims why would you think characters who are barely unseen are the victims or favorite them them I feel like a lot of these ratings we're taken as if this was real no one actual died making the movie man 😂
It's kind of just one of those things you got to see it for yourself to me there was a lot of unexpected parts maybe they could have done a thing or two better but I give it a solid 4