Oh my God I don’t think this movie could’ve gotten any more awful. It’s absolutely ridiculous and I feel a little bit bad for good old ed who used to do some decent movies.
The cinematography was somewhat interesting. The whole movie gives you a feel like you really wanna go have a bath because you just went dumpster diving….
The plot is lacklustre the acting is cringe .. I really wish I could get my couple of hours back. What a waste.
I could not get over the fact that they thought, turning one of the main actors into the Hulk, when she got mad was going to resonate with an adult audience, or anybody over the age Of six… and the fear and loathing in Las Vegas style acid Trip of running through the clouds as Giants, after holding down a miniature version of Ed was nothing short of stupid.
I have no idea who in the world wrote this movie Then thought it was good enough to pitch to somebody else who then thought that they would take their money and finance this piece of bovine excrement …. who would go and have it put into a theatre for people to pay to watch…. There are so many points. I wish this movie would’ve been checked, and balanced into into a back room and never have to be viewed again….
The CIA should force suspected spies to watch it back to back as torture…. 13 minutes and people will be spilling secrets just to make it stop.