The review by Alex Keenan is a joke. The democratic left just don't realize what an extention of the NAZI party they are. History proves, do your homework, the democratic party has oppressed minorities from the get go and still do. Oppression by welfare and hand outs. In 1964 the democratic party was against title 4, big time! Eisenhower, in 58 tried passing many civil right bills but the democrats knocked it out. Again, do your homework if you don't believe me. The real fascist are the punks running around Portland and the majority of our downtowns with masks on because they're afraid to show what they're really about. "Get your Abortions now"! What a profound statement by the left. Just a bunch of murders that enjoy pointing the finger because what they see in the mirror is shameful. Mr. Alex Keenan, I'm not stooping low, I'm rising above your narrow view of what you believe to be true. The left is so full of equality as long as they don't have to share their money and property. They have body guards and gated homes while they want to take your right to defend yourself and open up the borders. The fact that they are appalled by troops on our borders is ironic while they have security guards around their properties. I'd rather have 15K troops on our borders than in Iraq or anywhere, call me kookie. This movie, boring at times points out FACTS that the Socialist left just can't grasp. Watch and learn.