Most of the early episodes are historically accurate and reasonably complete. When you get to the McCarthy era, huge amounts of information are left out. For example there was massive SPYING in the US state department and the CHINESE communist infiltrated the US ARMY communication lab (Bell Labs) in New Jersey and McCarthy was about to embarrass the Army and Eisenhower decided to take out McCarthy. Its in Rhodes second book. So basically McCarthy was pretty much correct about everything. We lost China to the communists and we are still dealing with that. Then later, it is interesting that they take the Russia made Trump president line.. instead of dealing with Clinton's malfeasance and that she was hacked. And also they skip Trump completely and dont mention all the CIA bio labs in Ukraine, the Ukrainian corruption with the Russians, the CIA overthrow of the elected Ukrainian government. And FIONA HILL gimme a break. So this documentary falls down and is a Clinton/Obama woke propaganda special when it gets to the last two episodes. Anyone that reads history understand that Russia had a great empire that goes back a thousand years. Putin is a Russian Nationalist and ruthless. But the Ukrainians are a bunch of crooks. Its a mess on both sides .. has been for ever. Nothing new here. A great tragedy for innocent people. The last two episodes border on propaganda for stupid uniformed. Oh well, it is NetFlix.