Found it so hard to be invested in the relationship when he just kept ordering her about and she gave in and had no backbone!! In the beginning she was an established researcher etc and it seemed unbelievable that she would turn into yet another damsel in distress type. i kept thinking when is she going to PROPERLY do what she wants not just to prove she's stubborn not things like riding the horse by herself or not leaving when he ordered her to or whatever pathetic displays of rebellion were used to pretend she's a strong female character. i read the book cover to cover at quite a pace because i liked how it was written and flowed well - it just seemed to go on maybe a little long, definitely do not have the patience to read two more books like this though. At quite a few points it reminded me of twilight but cringier. I did love the alchemy aspects and the description of the books and illustrations but this was a small part.