There is a lot to say about this game. It’s certainly not for a casual gamer as it is incredibly complex, detailed and incorporates a steep learning curve. However, I will say that this game has something for everyone. There’s farming, extensive building/crafting, sailing, combat (land and sea), animal breeding and much much more. And it’s true what they say; the game is absolutely like Ark but that is no reason to not play it. It is also true that the game has quite a few bugs and has been somewhat neglected by the company that developed it. But at its current state, the game is very much playable and enjoyable, especially with friends. You may even make friends as I have while playing. The game’s world and economy is run by the players within it, giving an authentic level of emersion which promotes forming alliances and connections. There is also much to gain and learn from other people who are often more than willing to give aid and advice. I greatly enjoy this game and I highly recommend it to gamers with open minds seeking a challenge.