It is boring, meandering, pointless and stupid. Which is exactly, ironically, what Mr. Bean was for years. But there was a hidden subterfuge to it all. We were in on the joke with Mr. Bean and we knew that it was all supposed to be what it was.
If this was Man Vs. Bean, it might have worked, but there was simply no point to having other caricatures of actors in it. Everyone from the well meaning Police constable to the lame burglars, to the snobby fraudster in the uber rich house, the entitled wife who only cares about her guide book and her silly dog, there is no point to any of them speaking.
Which is where the mistake was made, this was all a slapstick exercise. It was classic Rowan Atkinson, he is an incredibly gifted physical comic. He knows how to mug for laughs, he knows how to entertain everyone in this manner. Taken for what this "series" is, it is a live action bug bunny cartoon, a man "home alone" with a computer generated bee.
One could forgive all of that, if there wasn't any dialogue, it would have worked. What gives this 1 star is that every time, aside from Rowan Atkinson speaking, we already know what they are going to say, we already know the ending, it is literally told to us in a flashback in the first five minutes of the first episode. So why drawn it out, why torture everyone with the pointless exercise of pretending this is a new character with a new thing?
Really disappointing and really pointless. Watch it with the sound off, you may enjoy it more. Just a terrible waste of time.