Id love to give this 5 stars. Story was great and the fighting feels awesome. But I just can't look past the corporate greed. The audacity to charge $70 for a game that has disc locked content behind a pay wall is ridiculous , Especially when you LITERALLY get to play Shang tsung in the story, its a slap in the face. Koins are useless. No krypt. Just micro transactions being jammed down your throat. Shang tsung, quan chi and ermac should be free, it's a blatant cash grab on top of the $70... not $60 I already paid. What was I getting for my extra 10? Nothing. Also the kameo thing is just a gimmick, id rather just have more playable fighters and a 2v2 mode. Star wars battlefront all over again but hey, they keep getting away with it and all our money. Less game for more money. Welcome to gaming in 2023. What a shame.