Having grown up with Zoids, it's safe to say this show is a huge disappointment. Granted the fact that yes; it's another show aimed at selling toys to kids...however the older incarnations (Fuzors, also garbage, not withstanding) were so much better.
Wild suffers from the typical 'food names' problem, where a large portion of what appears to be the main cast have names like Bacon, Onigiri, Sauce (good lord, why name the female Sauce?)...you get my drift.
Character design looks like it was mashed up between One Piece and Teen Titans GO. The main character's hair, for instance, has this huge fly-away that sticks straight up from about halfway down his bangs...and most of it isn't even the same color. So throw in a bit of stupidly overdone hairstyles too.
The show is brightly colored and sure to catch the eye of kids at first...but even being aimed at 10-12 year olds...not even they are likely to fall for what is just really an attempt at hauling a good show out of its poorly dug grave at yet another attempt by a large toy company to rebrand and remarket something that used to be 'cool'.