Two stars because the cast did a great job. Otherwise, I honestly would have left before it ended. The problem with this movie is the plot and the writing. Firstly, Batman just plays the riddler’s game the whole movie which leads to needless and countless deaths on the hwy and in the end it was all for nothing because the Riddler wins and even more innocent people die. This isn’t the mystery thriller one can expect from a Batman film. Batman doesn’t follow clues and only does light investigation work towards the beginning. The explosions and fight scenes were good but they were no reconciliation for the utter disrespect given to the viewer when Batman takes a massive explosion to the face and doesn't even receive a busted lip nor when he goes head first at 100mph into a steel train track bridge and walks it off. When someone buys a ticket to see a batman movie, they do expect to see things like Batman teleporting off screen from one place to another when the antagonist isn’t looking but this movie just breaks the laws of physics (specifically in a gunfight with the penguin). Lastly, I’d really love to point out how absolutely cringe the ending was when the Riddler is laughing with the probable Joker. This movie was just lazy and cringe