For 6 months I had an itching problem where l’d scratch until l bled. This mysterious rash was slowly moving up my body. The doctor gave me pills and prescription creams, and l went to a dermatologist as well. Nothing was working! Out of desperation l bought this book thinking maybe a natural cleanse would work.
Not only did it cure me of this rash within a week, but l also lost 7 pounds. I did the cleanse for 3 weeks, did phase 2 for a while but it was too strict a diet for everyday living (for me).
That being said, l do this cleanse once a year, and continue to have cranberry/flax water and lemon juice. The science is solid.
It really is a fabulous, sensible no-nonsense book. She talks in medical terms, then explains it in terms l understand. Every house should have this book.