Battle Royale: Can be frustrating to play, especially when you shoot an entire clip of a lower powered gun (any rifle other than the M4) into an enemies face and they lift up their M4 or MP5 and kill you with 2 bullets. You will notice most everyone using M4, MP5. Especially the PROs, they can't afford to use a sub-standard gun..If you don't use those guns, you have a very low chance of winning. (Though I did win my first and only (and probably last) Solo with an Uzi a few months ago). Just luck.
In Solo mode you will notice 98% of players in your game are camping.(Battle Royale)
And cheating is generally out of control now. (Multiplayer seems that most are using at minimum wall hack). Battle Royale its everything: wall hack , aim bot, radar. etc.. etc...
I spent about 6 months playing Battle Royale and I rarely play BR anymore. I usually play Multiplayer now on Hardcore mode.
The only fun I have now is upgrading the weapons to Gold.
It (BR) is just boring now.
Sep 14, 2020: I loaded a bunch of older COD games: WW2, Infinite Warfare, MW2. The big thing I notice is recoil on the guns: On those older games, there is not nearly as much recoil. This is why you see players only using M4 and MP5 (mostly) in Warzone, because those guns have low recoil and are slightly higher powered than others (in there class). Everyone complains about recoil and this is the biggest annoyance with Warzone. They should cut back on the recoil and this game will be a lot more enjoyable.
Multiplayer: They removed "Team balance" so you can get into a game and see that you are dying every second and you end up with a score of 6 kills and 50 deaths, while the other teams average is ~60 kills and ~15 deaths. Many players quit when they see the score. Many games you start with 6 and end up with 2 on your team because of rage quitting. And I have been on the other side of the spectrum as well, with 50 kills and 10 deaths, while the other team is average of 10 kills and 50 deaths.