I knew that this show was going to have “soft sex” because it’s CW. That network has a hardon for teen sex. My daughter is 8 and we both love Nancy Drew (books & games) so we were excited about the show. Knowing CW I knew the best option was to watch it off my iPad so I could turn it out of my daughter’s view during the unnecessary sex scenes. The network’s choice to turn the beloved characters that people have loved since the 1930’s into criminal deviants with bad relationships was the wrong choice. The show and ratings would of been higher if the networks idea of “modern” matched better with the Nancy Drew fans. Should of taken some points from Her Interactive who have made Nancy Drew games since 1999 and have modernized the characters with no backlash. That being said...I’m still going to watch this show because it does have a good storyline. My daughter and I will have our girl nights but obviously it will be on the iPad so I can Cut out the unnecessary sex scenes.