The worst mario kart yet (on any console)
It's just so poorly balanced.
Playing the CPU is so predictable...2-3 blues shells, a heap of red shells and a lightning coming for you....every race. If you sit anywhere but first it's just a nightmare working your way back....esp when all you get is 🍌 while the CPU gets everything else. The CPU is way over aggressive and is blessed constantly with the best items...the balance is way out. Reminds me of nba jam on arcade.
The blue shell should be removed and so should the item coins.....the blue shell does nothing for you if your sitting last.
Coins are everywhere on the track why add them in the items?.
They've run out of ideas for this title....hence why they're now recycling old tracks in dlc. Mario kart 8 has been out since the wii u.
It's mindless chaos that rewards no win through luck.
*Add an item like oil slick instead of coins..