Started off with tremendous potential. Film nerds and fans of cerebral horror and sci fi will enjoy (at first) but somewhere around episode 5 the plot starts to feel immensely burdened by the weight of its one (or three) too many tropes. The writers seem to be of the "more is more" persuasion. If found footage, demons, cults, and seances are titillatingly terrifying then surely a helping of time travel, parallel universes, black mold, (and don't forget to add dash of comet!) will make it even better! Instead of a bewitching feast what we get is an overwrought, tiring, repetitive mess rife with cliches complete with heavy-handed recaps that coddle the audience and zap the magic of the story in their telling rather than showing. Sad as it may be, no amount of mixing metaphors or INCESSANTLY SCREAMING ACTORS (we get it, its an emergency! though I would like to imagine the characters are smarter than to yell and jeopardize the very things they are trying to protect in all the many scenes in which they choose to spell everything out to the enemy AT TOP VOLUME...) could resurrect my sense of intrigue towards the end. In sort, they (and I) should have quit while ahead.