I bought my mother this book for Christmas because we mutually love Demi Moore. I wasn’t sure if my mom would read the book because she‘s not an avid reader. BUT much to my surprise she LOVED the book which struck my attention. I bought my own copy of the book and it is super good. I binge read during my daughters nap time. So many parts of the book are just relatable and real. You don’t have to be Demi Moore fan to be interested in this memoir. Right now my 21 year old nanny that told me she was interested in reading more is borrowing the book. My nanny had no idea who Demi Moore was when I recommended it. She did some research, borrowed the book and can’t put it down. Once she’s done with it her mom is borrowing it, lol! I hope my review helps strike an interest. I think it’s neat that this book seems to keep all age ranges captivated. I also think it’s neat that Demi Moore was vulnerable enough to share her story and overcome her very non traditional upbringing. I love strong woman and she’s a great example of female courage and strength.