The series is an alright series in its own world but when you see it as a sequel to ATLA it doesn’t feel like it is.The series kinda defeats the purpose of what ATLA was the fact that aang had to master all the elements and Korra just pretty much got them besides air is not that appealing. The original show will never be topped and that’s something everyone can agree on but after the last episode of ALTA we never knew what happened after the war with the characters and we were stuck with a thought of what happened to them and I kinda wish instead of the legend of Korra they made a series on that.It would’ve filled a gap of what happened, I think the original gang fighting more villains but as olders would’ve been a better series because TLOK doesn’t have anything to with what atla spend years building. If they made a series on the ATLA gang building the city that would’ve been 1000x better then the legend of Korra. Because majority of the ATLA fans were kids or youngens when the show first came out if they made a series on the gang building the city as olders the originals fans would have felt the same connection as they did when they were kids because the fans got older so did the gang and that would’ve really made it something (me included). It just would’ve been amazing to have the same the same feeling as I did when I was kid but I guess that’ll never happen