I love period drama,this is like a comedy spoof,it's so awful,I kept repeating " this is s***t!"every five minutes!
It's Catherine Cookson on speed! So poor they can't pay the rent,then suddenly have thousands of pounds,you know they are getting richer ,by bigger wooden fish signs,wow !the expense!
The kids look older than the parents.the sons limp changed constant,then all 3 arrived ar a house to find work.
Of course,take a crowd, why wouldn't you take on 3 people at once,?
The actor playing the father is about as animated as my coffee table,his terribly injured hand,that wouldn't allow him to work.healed up straight away,with no sign of injury.
They threw in so called "strong women" to tick the woke box.
Women at that time simply didn't have that freedom.
The lord having supper wasn't a snob,and roared with laughter,at the hardacres,
They would have been shunned at that time,
New money wasn't accepted.
Even the tough gamekeeper was won over by the so called charm of the boot faced harridon Ma.
All this in one episode,I watched two,and have never seen anything so bad.
Thankfully they spent their budget on all creatures great and small.