Many imbeciles on here are giving long and convoluted explanations as to why MTGA sucks, and it does in some aspects, but not in the ways in which they have suggested it. First of all, while the shuffling system is buggy, I find that i get mana screwed far more often in real life (about 3/10 games irl whereas in MTGa its only 3/20 games on acverage.) Also, while constructed formats may be pay to win, they are also so in real life, and as such these people's complaints are invalidated due to the fact that MTGA just makes it cheaper to play magic, and keeps peoples skill levels and collection at a level equal to the amount of time and money they put into it, similar to real life. Also, JUST PLAY DRAFT. A draft on MTGA costs about $5 and if you do well (at least 4 wins out of 7 before hitting 3 losses) you will win back all your money that you spent for the draft plus extra if you do great.