As a fan of the game series, and someone who is dipping into the books, I had a great time watching this. The first episode in particular had me chin-handsing with glee through the whole thing, particularly the combat scenes, and the first few episodes were great.
The only complaints I have is that a few of the scenes dragged on a little long, and figuring out how the timelines connect was a tiny bit frustrating. There are also moments that I think are meant to imply time has passed/things have happened off screen, but it's never really explained well (ex. Yen showing up in the dragon episode and it being implied that they've seen each other a few times since their first "adventure" together? And that there was more relationship development off screen. Felt odd and like I was missing an episode or something). I understand that there was a lot to fit in for eight episodes, and overall they did a pretty good job, it's just certain moments felt a little janky. I also wish that we got to see more development on the antagonist side of things. I don't really feel like I understand what's going on with Fringilla, or who she is, which is a shame considering of all the "bad guys" she has the most connection to all of the mages in the show, of which there are many.
If people are coming into this expecting a new Game of Thrones you're going to be disappointed by the simple fact that this series is just a different animal. The production itself was well done and felt very respectful of its source material. The acting is very decent, particularly from the main cast. I was invested and had good time watching, regardless of the few issues I had.