this show was amazing. when you first tuned in, you just thought it a bit strange. but after a while, came to understand that it was a talk show based on total deconstruction of the american talk show - he would actually have conversations with the guests. not the sound bite mess mandated by whichever studio pushing their latest movie - the guests would warm up to him, be totally disarmed and would share all kinds of personal info they'd never tell anyone else. he was brilliant. now in on the joke, you 'd snicker when people asked you why you watched him, "that guy's weird". his mission was accomplished almost too well. he grew tired of fighting with cbs personnel about his antics and why he wasn't more likable like jimmy fallon, fighting with the brass took the joy out of doing the show, he got burnt out and decided to end it while the show was still popular. i miss craigyferg and his late night courage. there will never be another show like it.
P.S. craig was the first one to introduce games and prizes to the guests and the audience. he engaged the studio audience to participate with him and his antics almost every night. it was a great 9 years.