The first episode was off to such a great start, the casting was great, and then Hollywood’s newest recipe to empower diversity and denounce toxic masculinity rolled in. It’s almost unbearable, how every form of entertainment these days is a mean to a patronizing end. I was a feminist before this era, now I’m finding myself running back to my Calabrian roots, angry at the fact that every man on screen is either a drunken abuser or one who cares not about looks but the beauty inside. Why must they only portray us through the outliers? Why did they have to kill James Bond and replace him with a black woman with short hair. Unrelated to the show you might say. Yet it isn’t. It’s the same angry moral, shoved down our throats over and over again. This show actually had great artists put it together. It could have been terrific, if only they had made a series for the sake of… making a series.