I watch Fox and friends every morning. It took me a while to figure out,Ainsley Earhardt! I think she is to easy-going what is going on with the news in the morning. I couldn't believe the other day when she said the caravan people are guards people. That really blew my mind! So was Hitler, these people trying to invade our country
and they do not have any respect for our laws! Ainsley Earhardt she is wishy-washy !! this caravan of God's people just send some police officers to the hospital. They also broke into a marketplace in Mexico. Do you see them carrying American flags?
These people are invaders and hope our president has swift action on them!! they don't look very poor to me. Holding $7000 cell phones. In giving nasty signings over the fence!! If Ainsley Earhardt doesn't get a little more aggressive on Fox news she should be replaced!!!!! Looking around and smiling don't get it!!