All the 1 start reviews are players who only made it 4-5 hours into gameplay and quit because it wasn't Path of Exiles, please refrain from reading the lies they post just because of their own self-disgust, this game has a significant amount of replay-ability. Even with a few bugs it's still amazing fun, it's 2021 we should all be use to the mediocre games with ridiculous amount of bugs in them, Wolcen never compared unless you were end-game during the first 6 months of launch, it's even better now with a very bright future. (Actually most the 1 star reviews are the idiots gamers who set high expectations for 0 reason, they're the reason the gaming industry is turning to poo, they can't be pleased and these companies need to make games for the sensible gamer, not a child who wants a ARPD with the ability to be 10 other games it wasn't designed to be at once)