Badly directed, bad dialogues, bad action and bad hero. The only good thing about this movie is the BAD man in it. The villain Amit Gaur was fun to watch while Rinzing is stiff as a board and completely expressionless and Malvika is trying too hard, though she is tolerable. I feel sorry for Amit who seems talented and was fit for the role. His excellent physique and timely snarls make him stand out on screen and he was the only thing worth watching in the film. The director had a great opportunity to create friction between the bad guy and the hero but decided to sideline Amit all the way until the end as I think he must have realized that Amit overshadows Rinzing and looks way more menacing than the so called "International Action Star" so he was given little to do until the climax. Don't bother watching this film but if you do, fast forward till the last 20 minutes to watch the bearded baddie in action.