Spoiler alert: Story elements revealed in this review. I agree with Aldan Maxwell, a very cogent summary of why this film was such a waste of effort. It started with such potential and then just went sideways and upside down with little rhyme or reason. The character's motivations are not explained and contradictory, there is no clear reason for the sketchy narrative, the 'crescendo' is inexplicable (I would normally have said denouement but there was none in this film) and some of the major elements are not only unexplained they throw the whole sense of the 'narrative' off (why does Vernon kill everybody in sight, including the old medicine woman, for no discernible reason? Especially after it is apparently established that he has a moral compass in the rape scene in Iraq). Some 'arty' directors need to reconnect with the idea of delivering a clear message in a film, what is the point of using such a viscerally powerful medium to merely confuse?