Pixar has set such a high standard, it’s immediately noticeable when something they produce is less than stellar. Like other Pixar features, you can see the incredible creativity behind the art, sets and animation. It’s bright, dazzling and flashy, with a sense of style. The animation itself gets an A+.
Sadly, the whole thing gets bogged down with a recycled plot from Coco, that of a young boy running away from home to find himself. Luca also borrows heavily from the Little Mermaid. These riffs on old themes would be forgivable, if the plot contained more depth. Unlike Coco, the film falls particularly short on emotional weight, due to a lack of backstory and character development that made the former such a masterpiece.
Script issues aside, this is still a Pixar movie, which makes it miles better than other animated family features. It’s still enjoyable at times, even if it doesn’t have the endearment and charm to endure repeated viewings.