This show started off with promise. Nods to the original show, especially when showing how Dexter/ Jim is a creature of habit. Yet there was this feeling that Dexter had evolved and was trying to learn from his past. However the final episode, nay the last 20 minutes undoes all the good work. It is tragic when show writers do not realise what makes a character special. Dexter was no hero. Dexter was never justified in what he did no matter how much he tried to make sense of it. And yet, Dexter tried to keep his dark passenger in check to the best of his ability.
Endings that ignore the struggle of the character and cheapen it for a twist or get "morality" a victory, always leave a sour taste in your mouth. No meaningful interactions between Dexter and Batista. Or bringing in someone like a Vince Masuka. These were things that could have and rather should have happened. What of the blood slide trophies from the air conditioning unit Dexter hid? The writer's did not know their own source material.
Ignore this spin off as the original ending, for all it's faults, keeps Dexter alive... somewhere.