Tucker I guess this is a question for everybody..So the book White Fragility says all whites are racist. If you complain you are a racist. So here is a test and I do not want ANY ANSWERS.. NONE>
You are on a ferry boat and all of a sudden a wave crashes the stern and a black man, a white man, a Hispanic, an Indian, a Asian and a few others slide to the edge holding on to the line. A pack of sharks is rapidly approaching and you only have time to save one person 100 percent guaranteed or maybe if he helps you save two 50 percent or if both help maybe 30 percent.. and so on. What do you do??? Think about it but I don't want to know. This is for you and you alone. Sit in a quiet room and think, what if the Asian is a young girl, her first time to see the USA? What if the Black man is a great politician fighting for Black Lives Matter. The Hispanic might me a Senator fighting for illegal's rights. Think long and hard and then look and see if you are a racist. White Fragility says you are. Who would you save?