I read this book last year, and I found most of the characters interesting and unique in their own ways. I especially found the gay Will Grayson very unique, and is perhaps my favorite character in their book. The way that the two authors weave their narratives together is very unique. However, one character I absolutely cannot stand is Tiny. He is the living, breathing "feminine gay best friend" stereotype. I had complained about him once to my friends and they said they liked him and I have no goddamn idea why. Sure, he tells jokes sometimes and he's one of the LGBT people in this book, but representation points cannot make up for how much of a bad character he is. He gives no attention to his friends and in fact neglects their feelings, in fact only paying attention about what they have to say when he needs them to do something for him. He dates the gay Will Grayson for a while and while around this time Cooper is the nicest he has ever been in the book, Tiny parades around the fact that he has a boyfriend like Will Grayson is a human trophy. Whenever he's called out on his actions, Cooper insults said person calling them out on his actions, and says something akin to "I was too good for you anyway." He seems to learn his lesson at the very end, but still goes on with his over-the-top musical about himself. Yes, Tiny wrote a musical about himself because he's "JUST SO IMPORTANT!" How narcissistic can you get? Anyway, it's a good book, but just remove Tiny or at least make him less insufferable. Thanks.