Your show on "hard truths, justice and accountability" was disgustingly one-sided. In my opinion you should get a better compare than Hamish McDonald.
While I, like most sensible Australian's, recognise problems and shortcomings of our police force and legal system, I also recognise the abundance of good that is achieved by our police force. Without them and our legal system we would live in anarchy. Meyne Whyatt left me in little doubt that that's what he would like to see when he ranted and raved belligerently about the need for violent demonstrations because peaceful demonstrations get you nowhere. Not one of the panel, including your intrepid compare challenged this.
From there, things just got worse. There were far more untruths than truths, none of which was challenged by at least Hamish. Andrew Bragg, the token liberal, was weak to say the least. Jim Charmers on the other hand, took the opportunity to score a few political points instead of addressing the facts, in particular when it came to talking about the management of our pandemic and the distribution of the aid by our government. As the shadow treasurer, he is quick to point out to everybody how long it will take us to pay down the loan that was required to get us through these difficult times. But when he sees the opportunity to score some political points, he feels that we should spend even more money including the money we "saved" as a result of the "blunder".
When I went to school, if someone said "I deeply regret what has happened" it meant that "he was deeply sorry for what had happened". It seems to me that these two statements are one and the same. Yet, the preoccupation with saying "sorry" continued without a challenge.
With regard to accountability, nobody challenged the accountability of the demonstrators who, may have decided together with their family that they were willing to take their chances with the pandemic, but had no regard at all for the rest of the population who have been isolating and social distancing at great cost to protect the elderly including the indigenous community.
Your show is frequently and blatantly one-sided. My only regret is that my hard-earned tax dollars are paying for your wages (which by the way you felt should be increased in the middle about pandemic while everyone else's wages, and businesses were going down the girgler)