Please read this before you make a big decision.
In the beginning of the Netflix series it said it was 'BASED' off of the series so people who are mad about it being so different please understand that it was meant to be different, for instance it's more common to see people who are mixed nowadays, hence MaryAnne's color and hair. Also in the more modern era it is placed in you can take beginner business classes in the 6th grade, explains their knowledge of the club, and also kids in that era feel pressured that they should act and dress more "grown-up". Now, the LGBTQ+ representation, and why people feel like the show should be rated 'PG' or 'PG-13'. In this day and era it is a lot more normal to see LGBTQ+ things, for instance, trans people and gay or lesbian relationships. So the fact that the Netflix adaptation did that makes perfect sense and unless you have actual proof that you were dispatched to harass LGBTQ+ people and the community then please stop being so mean and calling it 'inappropriate'. If you feel like you're 7 year old child shouldn't be exposed to that so be it, but please don't go hurting others just because of your opinion. Think of what type of message that sends to our future generation.